Saturday, June 02, 2007

Exhaustion sets in.

For whatever reason, Munchkin was perfectly okay for the first 36 hours after his surgery. In fact, you would have never known he had been under the knife with all the jumping, running and general Munchkin-craziness.

But...and with kids, there is always a but...that all changed yesterday.

During his nap, he woke up coughing so hard that he vomited. All over me, mostly, since he couldn't understand why his little body was rebelling against him in such an unexpected and painful manner and figured that holding on to me could somehow keep the demons at bay. A whole lot of vomit in my hair and a little Prednisone suppository helped with the coughing but then last night, he didn't want to go to sleep. He just cried and fretted to the point that he started coughing again. And I wasn't about to let it get out of control, poor guy.

So I did what any Mom would do. I bunked down with the boy.

I thought sleeping with my husband required perseverance but CPT Dick has nothing on our toddler. Munchkin is the most violent sleeper I've ever seen. And when you are sharing a twin bed with him, you can expect to be hit in the eye at least four times per hour. You know, when you aren't being kicked in the kidneys or being suffocated by his butt. As such, I was awake pretty much all night.

With a year and a half of sleeping through the night behind me, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to do this waking up thing several times a night, every night for so long. I am absolutely useless without sleep. So useless that I almost didn't comprehend the words when my husband woke up this morning and said, "Wow, I slept great last night! That was probably the best sleep I've had in months!"

All I can say is, it's a good thing that I'm too tired to punch him in the head.

I am so napping later.

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