Monday, March 05, 2007

Have you heard "The Secret"?

Now that Oprah has had not one but two shows about "The Secret," the book is flying off the shelf. The basic gist is that positive thoughts attractive positive events and that you -- and only you -- can make yourself rich, happy, beautiful, whatever, just by visualizing it. It's total crap. And as such, it's been the talk of every wife event I've had to participate in since the Oprah shows aired. Because, you know, it's, like, so true. I've been tempted to regurgitate my bean dip in response to these ad-hoc testimonials more than once. BECAUSE IT'S ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.

But finally -- FINALLY! -- someone agrees with me that this book and the surrounding hoopla is bullshit. Thank you, thank you, Peter Birkenhead.

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