CPT Dick wants to have another baby. Six months ago, I would have told you that I do not want to and totally meant it. I already have two kids -- him and Munchkin -- and I just can't stretch any further.
But the idea has started to grow on me a bit. But I am not keen at all about being pregnant again. And this is the dealbreaker. When I tell CPT Dick this, however, he immediately forgets about the bed rest, the hospital stays, my looking and feeling like a drowned rat, and, most importantly, our son's premature entrance into this world. He just says, "How bad could it really be?"
And so I read Darren Garnick's "Labor of Love," with interest. To surprise his wife, he wore an Empathy Belly (shown above -- on two teens, no less, I guess with the idea that it will stop them from having sex) for 24 hours so he could also partake in the bladder-squeezing, weight-gaining, back-paining joy that is pregnancy. I just wanted to give Garnick a big hug. What a great gesture!
So now I'm wondering how I can slip one of these babies on CPT Dick without him noticing and see what he says next time we discuss pregnancy.
I remember when my hubby was lobbying for another child. I felt my life was more than complete, more than crazy...I didn't want a second child. I was too exhausted from the first one. She was more than I had bargained for. But my husband wanted another. And so, with much prayer, I "gave it to God" and said, "God, if it's what you want, we'll get pregnant again" (I've had issues getting pregnant).
Well, don't ever believe God doesn't have a sense of humor. I was pregnant 3 days later. Ha!
And while I love my son to pieces, I sometimes wonder what it would be like with only one. She's 6 1/2 now, and travels much more easily. We are still dealing with diaper bags and potty training and all that other stuff. It was HARD to realize that we have to go through it all again. But you know...I wouldn't give him up for anything!
I was not a happy pregnant woman. And I was pretty happy with our first. The deal breaker for me that I just couldn't get around no matter what, was that I didn't want her to be an only child. But you know, you don't have to get pregnant to have a 2nd child. Adoption is also a choice. I have a number of friends who have gone that route, mainly because of infertility issues. One just adopted their 3rd. I think the military has some assitance and support programs in place for adoption. Good luck with whatever you decide!
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