Friday, March 07, 2008

Go Army, Beat Navy.

"Did you bring home those photos for the slideshow?"

"Shit. I forgot."

"Babe, we're only a few days away and I've asked you every day this week. Are you trying to drive me crazy?"

"I'm sorry. I forgot."

"How do you think it's all going to get done if you don't help out a little? Do you think I can just magically do my job, raise the boy and do this FRG crap without you at least doing a little?"

"Oh, come on now. You know you won't be happy unless you're going mach 10 with your hair on fire."

"Are you serious? You did not just quote 'Top Gun' at me."

"I did."

"'Top Gun' is a Navy movie. If you aren't careful they are going to take away your commission."


Lee Anne said...

Yeah, I hear Top Gun quotes all the damn time. The Pilot finds it endlessly funny, and we have to watch, at least for a few minutes, when he's channel surfing.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. that is too funny! :)