Friday, November 21, 2008

Deep down, I'm really just a 14 year old girl.

Meet my new boy crush. I am way, way too old to even be interested in the Twilight books. But I tore through them anyway. And I'm definitely too old to have my heart a-thumping over a Harry-Potter-actor-turned-vampire-heartthrob. But here we are.

Hopefully the movie doesn't totally suck.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club! Way too old for this and yet... read the books in a week and can't wait to see the film. Well, it makes life interesting :o)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think it's great that older women have intrests in young books, people shouldn't deminish the fact a book might be really good just because a bunch of scremaing girls are reading them. I myself am very young, but I still feel i can see into your thinking, me being a future author myself. Thank you for your bright intrest in twilight, and I highly suggest reading Marked by P.C Cast, its a really great book and will hook you from chapter one with the vampires, anyways thank you bye.

Kymmie said...

The movie sucked compared to the books. XP I bet you're not as old as you seem to think you are (I dunno, just ran across this webbie on Google, so, yeah..)