Friday, December 14, 2007


Have you checked out The Full Body Project? Leonard Nimoy -- yes, Mr. Spock for you Trekkies -- is now dabbling in photography. And doing pretty well.

One of his most recent projects, now a book, is of full figured models. The photos, in black and white, are absolutely stunning. Visually arresting, beautifully composed. Just gorgeous.

And yet, as much as I go on and on about how unfair the world is to women and their bodies, I find that I must admit that these pictures make me somewhat uncomfortable. I can't quite figure out why.

Definitely worth a ponder.

1 comment:

prophet said...

no, I hadn't seen Nimoy's work. . . . It's surreal! Yes, "visually arresting"; "gorgeous".

But . . . I think there's something just as "wrong" in portraying this body type as the norm as is the portrayal of the fashion magazine model as the norm. I'm thinking that's part of what makes me also feel "somewhat uncomfortable", as you had said.

Maybe that's it? That there IS no "norm"? We're not supposed to all look the same. Nimoy perhaps illustrates this by going to the opposite extreme and showing the large extreme in a normative light. . . .

I can't resist agreeing that it's "worth a ponder" by saying that it is, indeed, ponderous. . . . [sorry. grin!]