Saturday, June 14, 2008

No need to be concerned.

I've just been busy. This whole FRG thing is bleeding me dry -- we have a lot of young wives on their first deployment who just don't know how to cope outside of getting themselves drunk, laid or arrested -- and I am still trying to figure out how to find the best balance. Add to that some new work, a toddler with enough energy to power a small metropolis and a family visit and you have no time to blog.

Forgive me.

What have you been up to?


prophet said...

glad to see you - and hope you'll be around again a bit more regularly, you've been missed!

I rather thought you were probably hammered by being [for the moment] a single mom, dealing with the whole FRG thing and everything else. . . . Hey - we got a puppy, and I find myself unable to keep up with take a shower, let alone getting the laundry done, shopping, cooking, etc.

I have been SO out of line with my ideas about what stay-at-home parents should be capable of accomplishing. Like I said: I'm lucky if I get my teeth brushed. . . .

He does tend to nap when I'm on the computer, so that's one thing I can do. . . .

So - good to know all's well, if hectic in your neck of the woods. All the best to you and the M-kin!

Jenna said...

Wow. Good Luck. How does the frg thing work? You are volunteered? Or you volunteer?

Adam's Mom specifically told me NOT to call Adam's frg leader under any circumstances no matter what. So I didn't..