Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm the weirdest kind of ex-pat.

Technically speaking, as a military dependent, I doubt I can even be classed as ex-pat. But pretend with me so I can feel a little more cosmopolitan as I sit here typing in my (new!) Elmo-themed pajama shorts.

I've been living in Germany for 5 years. And every time I come back to the states I feel a little overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the 15 different brands of Italian-style bread crumbs at the grocery store. Overwhelmed by the variety of billboards that can offer me all-night staying power or a reminder that God is listening within the same 5 mile stretch of highway. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of McDonald's restaurants I will pass during any one car trip. Overwhelmed by the diversity, really. There is just so much going on, so much of the time. This truly is the land of plenty in many respects.

I feel like a rube venturing to the big city for the first time, even though this is the place I once called home. I feel out of my element. I wonder how much life overseas has changed who I am and what values are most important to me. I haven't quite figured it out.


Sara said...

I'd say life overseas has changed you a lot, if I had to guess. It took me months to get back to just feeling comfortable in the US again. There were things I appreciated more about the US, sure, but everyone says living abroad is supposed to make you more patriotic. That wasn't the case for me. I felt more like a realist about my country if I'm honest. If studying/living abroad were something an activist would hold a sign for, I'd be head of the organization.

liberal army wife said...

I remember that feeling, being a State Dept brat - I never lived in the states, we came here for "home leave" even though to me,home was Germany where my Omi lived. I remember when I married DH and after a year we were stationed in Germany - and I was sooo happy. Of course you then have the fun of explaining round doorknobs to your 4 year old! He had never seen one!

I think living somewhere else gives us a different vision of our selves, our country and the world. I don't understand this "Amurrrica is always right and everyone else is wrong, and if you don't agree, you are a traitor and in league with Terrrrrsts." If thinking is traitorous... well, that scares me silly.