Sunday, March 11, 2007

Thunder only happens when it's raining.

Last night I had the strangest dream. I was driving along the George Washington Bridge. I say I was on the George Washington Bridge, because in my dream I know I was on that bridge heading to Manhattan. But the visual in my dream was longer, almost like the bridge through the Florida Keys, and it curved around so you could see in front of you, as well as the clear water all around. And that, if you've ever driven the GW, you know that a curving bridge and clear water is not at all like the experience of driving on the GW -- all a driver sees on the GW are the millions of other cars trying to get into the city as quickly as possible and high steel walls that allow only the tiniest shafts of grey light in.

Anyway, as I'm driving, I see that the bridge has collapsed ahead. I'm driving straight off the edge into the water. And I panic a bit because I have no idea how I'm going to get Munchkin out of his carseat and both of us out of the car once it hits the ocean.

Before I was a mother, I would have woken up and thought, "Wow, what a crazy dream! Wonder what I ate yesterday."

But now that I am a mother, upon getting out of bed this morning, I immediately put a jackknife in my glovebox and started looking up how to get out of a submerged car on the Internet. You know, like, just in case. No matter that I'm hundreds of miles from New York and never, if I can help it, get into the city by bridge.

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