I gotta say, I think Faith looks better with the crow's feet. Makes me realize that she laughs a lot. But the back fat? Well, as my friend J. told me last night, that just makes me feel good.
When a soldier is packing up for a mission, he is often instructed to leave all non-essential equipment behind. This includes a soldier's family.
Who am I? I'm a military wife, FRG leader, mother, writer and all around misfit.
I remember LOVING this Jamie Lee Curtis article a few years ago: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2002/08/27/ED242187.DTL&o=0
OMG, she's 39, not 19. She SHOULD have some lines on her face! It's actually kind of creepy with her looking too perfect.
I agree completely. She looks great (and real!) for 39. Why not celebrate her as she really is?
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