Saturday, August 11, 2007

“Everyone wants to be the girl who drinks the beer and eats the steak and looks like Kate Hudson."

Oh, funny. An article about women ordering steak in the NY Times to change their image.

I'm not quite sure of the point of the piece, but man, did it have some funny quotes.


Lee Anne said...

I read it, too. And, the quotes were disturbingly funny: "Real men, it seems, must eat kale."

I'm not really sure what point the article is trying to make either. It stops just short of making some statement about the gender politics of food.

It reminds me of an article I read in Bitch or Bust magazine a couple of years back about "the guy's girl" -- the girl who farts and eats red meat as a strategy for entering the boys' club. I wish I could find that... I haven't had enough caffeine to make any startling insights.

Marine Wife said...

A $60 burger?! So not in my world! I can't believe women actually put that much thought into what they order in front of a date. But then I was never your typical girl. I still can't do my hair or makeup (and I'm 35!).