Sunday, September 09, 2007

I'm trying to think of something interesting to say...

...but I find that I am totally, completely without original thought. The exciting happenings in my world are:

(1) I've overbooked myself work-wise again. And while that is good on one hand (extra money, cha-ching!), I find that it does make me a lot crankier.

(2) One of my pieces will be in the Post tomorrow. It's my second one for them. Now, if only I could crack the NY Times. I'm hoping that an essay they are currently considering will be the one. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

(3) My son has a cold. And as such, my sleeve has grown stiff with Munchkin snot. Because, yes, I am the type of Mom who never has tissues on her. So I have to resort to the sleeve.

And now back to potential targeted treatments for schizophrenia. By the end of this month, I may just need to know about them personally.

1 comment:

prophet said...

hey - snot-sleeves & stuff in print is not to be sneezed at! grin. . . .

fingers crossed, as requested.