Monday, September 10, 2007

Mean, mean, mean.

Okay, so I get the comments about her looking lazy, disinterested, even a little stoned. But fat? Sporting a beer belly? Out of shape? I don't even wish this woman well and I think those sort of comments were below the belt. She's had two kids recently, people! Give her a break.

I mean, there was so much more wrong with her performance. Why are people so fixated on the fact that she no longer has the same body she had at 17?


Marine Wife said...

Have to agree with you there. Not a fan, but the girl DID have 2 kids in quick succession. Quite frankly, if my belly looked like that now, never mind that quickly after my last c-section, I'd be a pretty happy camper!

prophet said...

I think I know what you mean, Nee. . . . We do have a warped sense of the female form. Still - having chosen to get on stage in that get-up, isn't the obvious question what was she thinking?!

You're teaching Munchkin right now that it really is a good idea to keep his clothes on - in public.

Britney's learning this lesson way too late, way too publicly. Don't ya think? It's embarrassing. . . .

Susan said...

I WISH I looked like that!
I understand the comments about her performance, but maybe now she's a sz 3-5 instead of 0?

kimba said...


I have never been a fan, but wow, that's a pathetic waste of her very limited talents.

But yeah, she's not fat.

Just dopey.

Sarah said...

Shoot, I don't look that good in underpants and I've never had a kid! God forbid I got on a stage; US Weekly would never let me hear the end of it.