Thursday, January 18, 2007

Always one more thing.

Many have opinions about the various military agencies. It would be easy to say that they all suck, but the truth is they are only as good as the people that work at them. And those employees -- often civilian contractors, often military spouses -- vary in their abilities, their knowledge, and most importantly, their compassion.

But the one thing that drives me nuts about all of them is the fact that they can't get their damn story straight. I had a small errand to run today. I just had to re-enroll my son in the daycare program. You have to do this once a year. And so before I went down there, I called and asked what I should bring. I was told I needed two, and only two, things: a shot record and a check. But of course, once I get up, wrestle my son into the car seat, drive us, kicking and screaming, to the office, wait for 45 minutes until they can see me, I find that they do not just need those simple things. Oh no. They need those and at least three others.

I'd like to say that this is a one thing kind of thing. But it's not. It seems that every agency I must interact with is always giving misinformation over the phone. I suppose I should just get used to it. I do know some ladies who just bring every piece of paper the military has ever stamped with them on every visit to any agency. They all are growing humps on their back from the effort but it's not a stupid strategy. I just can't seem to let myself get to that point yet. I mean, hello, these are agencies that are supposed to be providing me with services. How hard can it be?

And here are where those good employees come in. The ones I dealt with today realized their error and did their best to help me remedy it without having to go home and come back again. I was grateful. That doesn't happen all that often. If only more could be like them.

And if only some more of those people could answer the damn phone.

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