Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Butting in when not needed.

At one of the many Easter celebrations this past weekend, I mentioned to some ladies how excited I was to go to NYC by myself and that it was high time that CPT Dick observed first hand how exhausting it can be to be a full-time caregiver of a toddler. Most, who either have or have recently had toddlers totally understood and shivered with me in the joy of the anticipated schadenfreude.

But one of the ladies, worrying about my Munchkin she said, offered to watch him for the weekend. It should be noted that she does not have children. I replied that it was very nice, but no thanks. CPT Dick is Munchkin's father. He should be able to handle it.

So what does the woman do? After the conversation ended and we all meandered into new and other mingling situations, she sought CPT Dick out and suggested to him that she watch Munchkin that weekend. And CPT Dick said that he'd consider it, depending on what was going on.

I am LIVID. First off, I said no. Where the hell does this woman get off then going to my husband? Is she 8 years old trying to play Mommy off Daddy to get a brand new Barbie corvette? No. She is interfering in lives that she knows absolutely nothing about. And what's worse, my kid doesn't like her. She's one of these young wives who thinks the best way to get a kid to like you is to get right in their face and act goofy. It may work with other kids but it happens to scare the shit out of my son.

But then, I'm also a little angry at CPT Dick. On one hand, I would like him to have some back-up in the case that he needs it. But so he can truly understand what it's like, the man should have to scramble for it just like I do every goddamn week. Is that so wrong?

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