Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just call me "Mother of the Year."

The storage room in our house connects the laundry room to the garage. Usually, the door from the laundry room to the storage room is locked. You know, because nothing is more exciting to a two-year-old than lots of camoflauge-colored junk. And given that it is never actually organized or tidied up, nothing is more dangerous.

But I digress. The door is usually locked. But even when that door is open, it's okay because the door to the garage is usually also locked. And seriously, even if they weren't, my son isn't tall enough to reach the door handle anyway.

Until today.

In fighting our moth problem (thanks, CaliValleyGirl for the trap suggestion -- they seem to be working!), I was in the kitchen setting up more traps. All of a sudden, when I look out the window, I see a small white blur moving past at mach 10. Looking more closely, I see it is my son. Wearing only one sock. And no pants (and when I say no pants, I mean he's blowing free in the damn wind). And running towards the street.

Last I saw him, he was in his bedroom for naptime.

CPT Dick, in packing up for the field last week, must have left the door to the storage room unlocked. Munchkin, apparently, is now tall enough to not only open that door but the one leading outside as well. Not to mention tall enough to scale the gate that keeps him in his room.

The boy has tasted freedom and it would seem that he is reluctant to give it up. As soon as I saw him, I opened the window and yelled, "Freeze!" But he just looked up at me, smiled a big ol' shit-eating-grin and said, "Bye-bye" and kept on running. I finally caught up to him about a block and a half away.

Given that every old lady on my street is always telling me that Munchkin needs a hat or a thicker jacket, I can only imagine what they thought as I carried him home, kicking and screaming, with his bare bottom displayed for the world to see.

Call me SuperMom. I'm off to the hardware store to buy a few extra locks. And maybe some duct tape.


prophet said...

oh man. . . . laughing out loud and shaking my head here. . . . what a picture! one sock. . . bare butt. . . big grin. . .

Yep: duct tape. That's the answer! You go, girl. (and yeah - you've got my vote for SuperMom!

Ellen said...

LOL! Mine just figured out that trick as well, doorknob covers are my saving grace.

Trudy said...

My daughter (who is now 19) LOVED to be nekkid. On more than one occasion, a neighbor child would come over and say "Mrs. Trudy, did you know that Chrissy is outside naked?"....and there she'd be, riding a bike, racing down the street. The first time, I didn't even know she COULD ride a bike, let alone to do it naked. I can truly imagine your pride....especially when one of your good intentioned neighbors mentions that the child might be cold out there naked....yes, like I encourage my children to be outside without their clothes!!!

All I can say is....in a little while, you'll get a truly wonderful laugh out of it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Very industrious little fellow. Too bad that yelling "Crate!" doesn't work for him like it does for my dog when he's outside.

Non-Essential Equipment said...

I'll have to try "crate." Munchkin does like to play doggie...