Saturday, November 17, 2007

Question, Question, Who's Got a Question?

I read Butterfly Wife's "Answers to Life's Persistent Questions" with interest. What a cool thing to do? Open up the floor to questions! Why didn't I think of that?

You see, I do actually get emailed questions from time to time. And although I usually answer them in an individual email, I recently realized that I'm always being asked the same types of questions (Why do I call my husband CPT Dick? Where do I live? Am I really a writer? Do any wives from my unit know about my blog? Where did my friends buy the 24 inch black rubber dildo that I mentioned on SpouseBuzz? etc.). And as such, I've been toying with the idea of a FAQ post.

But instead, why don't I be brave and open up the floor? Anyone have a question they'd like me to answer? I promise I will take a shot at all questions, no matter how off the wall.*

NOTE: I will close the questions on Monday and then answer them on Tuesday.

*Within reason, anyway. I won't give out any direct identifying information and if any question's answer hints too much at my identity, I may have to be a little vague.


Butterfly Wife said...

LOL. So answer those questions you put in parentheses. Also, I want to know how you became a freelance writer and if that really works for you, despite some recent payment problems. And what are you writing about?

Anonymous said...

Does your husband have any idea you have a blog? If not, do you ever feel weird keeping the blog secret from him?

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog when searching for words of wisdom to deal with a 15 month deployment to my CPT.X. How do you deal with the FRG? I've been blasted lately (via the grapevine!)for not particpating since my job is in the corporate NYC world which is demanding and compensates me very well. Any advice on deployment and dealing with FRG?

Lee Anne said...

You mentioned in an earlier post your former life as a grad student. What did you study? And, what was your concentration?

.... said...

No questions, since I want to know all the stuff you don't want to answer :D So will just say, YOU ROCK :D!

Speaking of um....the thing on Spousebuzz, ever read The Sunday List of Dreams? Okay so there is a question.....


Anonymous said...

How do you feel about the way congress is handling spending appropriations for the troops? In particular, spending with a hard withdrawal date? I'm not trying to stir up any crap I'm just curious how it affects families who have a vested interest with loved ones deployed in Iraq.