Sunday, December 02, 2007

Good for her.

Jennifer Love Hewitt wrote a blog post about all of the attention a few unattractive photos of her butt received on the internet this past week.

I really liked that she attacked it head on. But I wish that she hadn't said she was a size 2. Not to be snarky, but I have a hard time believing it. And as such, it makes it seem that she's as much a part of the machine -- that deluded, masochistic one -- that makes girls feel bad about their bodies.


prophet said...

I know what you mean. . . .

Check out this "scientific study" on changing clothing sizes.

As we get larger, the designers are merely making the size numbers smaller. Just so we can 'feel better'.


The Mrs. said...

She's a size 2!? Just when I was starting to think there were more "real" sized stars on tv. Sigh. Next your going to tell me that Rachael Ray is a 4.