Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Truly disgusting.

There's not much that truly shocks me anymore. If you read the news in this post-9/11-Columbine-African genocide world, you do get jaded after a while. The truly horrible things that people can do to teach other just don't seem to penetrate as much as they should. But you kind of have to grow that thicker skin. Otherwise, how would we be able to bear it?

And so, when I started reading the myriad of stories regarding the suicide of a 13-year-old Missouri girl named Megan Meier (summed up well in Judith Warner's NY Times blog), I thought that it was very sad. But I figured that Lori Drew, the mother whose fake MySpace profile may have put the young girl over the edge, went too far and had probably seen the error of her ways. Was it really worth changing laws over when the world was already punishing Mrs. Drew and her family? Wasn't the answer, really, to frickin' monitor your child's online use as opposed to figure out a way to really enforce legislation for online harassment?

But then, a friend sent me the link to this blog: Megan Had It Coming.

Now, I have no way to verify that it is actually Lori Drew that put up this blog. It could all be a hoax (and if it is, the person who created it is one sick puppy). But if it is legit, I find myself absolutely enraged at this woman. I can understand why people are standing in line to insult her and threaten her life. I really can. How on earth, after all that has happened, can she think created a blog with that title will make others understand her point of view? How can this woman be allowed to be a parent?

It's a hard thing to read so if you are unable to get through the comments, I understand. But these few popped out at me, comments that the blog's author responded to.

On the whole scandal:

Regarding an apology to the Meier family:
They don't want to hear it! They don't want an apology, they want blood. The Meiers have turned vindictive. Their rampage of media coverage shows it. You want to know how Megan was so manipulative? She learned it from her parents! An apology isn't right and it won't help.

On why Megan deserved the insults:
I swear to God this is like that movie The Good Son with the home alone kid. No one believed how twisted the kid was until the end. Everyone attacked the mom who tried to protect her own, truly innocent, child.

Please, please let this blog be a hoax. As someone points out later in the comments, the Drews must have lawyers telling them to lay low right now. But if it isn't fake, my God, I just cannot understand it. And you know, no person should ever have to grow skin thick enough to be able to.


Marine Wife said...

That is really disturbing...and chilling.

wendy said...

That is crazyness. Whether it's that other mom or someone pretending to be her - that is extremely crazy and hurtful. How sad.

As a mother of a 13 year old who is allowed time online, this has been a bit of an eye opener and has helped me do a better job of monitoring her online time.

Just Laura said...

Before my hubby left he instructed me not to watch the news. So I haven't been - not so much because he doesn't want me to but frankly I don't have time. He is in CA training for deployment in early 2008.

Anyway, I will check on the story to get info but don't let all of these awful, heinous news items thicken your skin. I think this is a major downfall of the human race - as our skins thicken we start to lose our humanity.

Let it bother you and get the word out. Other parents (such as myself & hubby) believe stupid people should not mate - they let anyone become parents nowadays.

Will stop in again...