Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's not often that a movie will make you cry more than once -- first, from laughing so damn hard. And after all that laughing, from being so damn touched.

I know I'm a bit biased since I'm the girl who thinks that "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" is one of the greatest love stories of all time but "Knocked Up" is right on up there.

Go see it.


c wiss said...

I *loved* that movie - it totally rocks.

.... said...

My husband agrees with you....we are going to watch this together when he gets home on leave.....and I loved "The 40-Year-Old-Virgin" except the whole waxing scene....which was brought up to me while waxing both of my daughter's eye brows the other night.... :D

prophet said...

ya know. . . . I would not normally be even tempted to watch this movie. And with your endorsement, I still might not.

But it's the only reason I ever would watch it, if I ever do. [grin!]

CaliValleyGirl said...

I loved that movie! I want to go see Superbad, and I was trying to convince my (oh my goodness, let me say this for the first time) husband to go to see it, and he said: well, what do the reviews say? And I said, um...that it is the best movie of the year. I said it with a straight face, but he still just snorted and laughed.