Monday, October 01, 2007

FRG leaders, problem solvers extraordinaire.

"I'm having a serious problem with my neighbor. I'm afraid it might escalate so I wanted to let you know about it."

"Ummmm...okay. What's going on?"

"Well, it was her turn to mow the lawn. She did it last night and she got mown grass all over the front of my freshly detailed Durango. I saw it this morning and marched right up to tell her to clean it off before lunch."

"Well, I'm sure that she probably didn't mean to..."

"I was nice when I asked her, too. I mean, firm -- she had to know that it was her responsibility to clean up her own mess -- but nice. But even being nice, she didn't clean it up. Can you believe it?"

"Well, err, again, I'm sure she probably didn't mean..."

"Well, after waiting, I took the bag of grass clippings that she left by the dumpster and dumped them in front of her door."

"You did what?!"

"And you know what that bitch did? She took the trash -- the GARBAGE -- and emptied it in front of my door. Can you believe that shit? I mean, how trashy can you get? I have kids, you know. I should not have to be subjected to this kind of stuff."

1 comment:

Marine Wife said...

Were you tempted to call her "pot" or "kettle?" Or to just slap the back of her head (like whatshisname on NCIS)?