Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Okay, so, like, I didn't quite get it.

Netflix finally got around to sending me The Fountain on DVD. I wanted to see this movie in the theater -- I really liked "Pi," and figure this would be in the same vein (plus, I don't share Dr. Cox's hatred of Hugh Jackman. I actually think he's kind of dreamy -- you know, mostly when he's wearing big claws).

The movie was visually stunning. Absolutely beautiful. But I don't know if I got it. Maybe I'm just too old, maybe just too tired or maybe I need to watch it again. But I'm just not sure. What's worse is that I can't quite figure out what it was about the movie that I'm not sure if I got. What is up with that?

But what I can tell you is that the music was incredibly moving. Absolutely breathtaking.


Butterfly Wife said...

Well the music is beautiful. And Hugh Jackman is very yummy. But if that video is any indication of the out-thereness of the movie, it is pretty far out there. But then I kinda like deep thinking movies like that. As long as they are in English.

I keep saying I need to get NetFlix again.

prophet said...

wow. . . . I'm kind of speechless.

I think it would be fun to make up a plot based just on the music video scenes! I couldn't tell what historical time we were in, though, let alone in what dimension. At one point, we seem to be on the cellular level. . . . (or is that cosmic?)

I did figure out the ending though: she dies.

It's a start.

Cool music!
(check out the Johnnie Darko one I posted - never did see the movie though, either. Heard it was strange)