Monday, November 05, 2007

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

In the newest Vanity Fair, Julia Roberts says:

"My dream is to be a highly fulfilled and productive stay-at-home mom and wife," the Oscar-winning actress tells Vanity Fair magazine. "The highest high would be growing our food that I then make, and then composting and growing more -- that kind of circle."

Stay-at-home Mom, huh? Then tell me, Julia, how come you go on to say that you want to work with Denzel again? The tens of millions of dollars you've already made aren't enough to start your own compost pile?

Gotta love the things that come out of celebrities' mouths.


Anonymous said...

Stay at home mom and wife or dad and husband. That is the dream of many of us living in the real world, but those of us living in the real world must work.

We have 4 children and a small farm in VA. We would love to stay home and work the farm with our children full time, but guess what, we can’t. We must work to pay for a home, food, clothes, insurance, medical expenses, you get the idea. We don’t have 100 million dollars in the bank to live off of.

Get a grip Julia. You make more money on one movie than me and 5 of my friends will make in a life time. There is nothing stopping you from living your dream. This is just about getting your name in the press. No new movies at this time and no new babies to shove in our faces, I guess you had to come up with something. How long did it take you and your publicist to come up with this crap?

Between this comment, Brittney Spears spending $747,000 a month on basically having fun and Alex Rodriguez demanding $350 million dollars to play a game, it is more than obvious that celebrities just have lost all grip on reality.

Anonymous said...

Stay at home mom and wife or dad and husband. That is the dream of many of us living in the real world, but those of us living in the real world must work.

We have 4 children and a small farm in VA. We would love to stay home and work the farm with our children full time, but guess what, we can’t. We must work to pay for a home, food, clothes, insurance, medical expenses, you get the idea. We don’t have 100 million dollars in the bank to live off of.

Get a grip Julia. You make more money on one movie than me and 5 of my friends will make in a life time. There is nothing stopping you from living your dream. This is just about getting your name in the press. No new movies at this time and no new babies to shove in our faces, I guess you had to come up with something. How long did it take you and your publicist to come up with this crap?

Between this comment, Brittney Spears spending $747,000 a month on basically having fun and Alex Rodriguez demanding $350 million dollars to play a game, it is more than obvious that celebrities just have lost all grip on reality.

Lee Anne said...

Too bad what comes out of celebrities' mouths can't be used for compost, or fertilizer.