Monday, September 24, 2007

A case of the blahs.

I'm just feeling worn out. Not sick, really, or even all that excessively tired, but just like I've been wrung out to dry.

Part of the problem is that I'm in limbo. My life this week is all about waiting for people to get back to me. Like my landlord, who was supposed to get back to me weeks ago about a broken floorboard. And MWR, who need to get back to me about the rental of those stupid inflatable sumo suits. The bike shop is supposed to ring once they get Munchkin's ride-along-seat installed properly. And then, I keep checking my email hoping to hear from not one but two editors, who have comments on pieces for me but just haven't deigned to send them my way. And until they do, the pieces have not been accepted. And if they are not accepted, I am not paid.

And of course, there's always the mopiness associated with the change in the weather. I do love autumn but I just wish the weather could be more consistent throughout. A gradual move to coldness would be preferable.

Anyway, I'll stop whining now.


prophet said...

hey - thanks for the ring story. Much appreciated! No, I hadn't seen it. I keep thinking that one of the local crows has made off with my lost ring. You know how they are about shiny things. . . .

Anyway - may one of your local crows drop by with a nice shiny gift of good news of some sort. I hate those slogging sorts of days.

Non-Essential Equipment said...

Thanks! Maybe some nice homemade garlic soup will do the trick.

prophet said...

GARLIC!!!! That's what's missing. . . . Pause, here, while I go saute up a handful of crushed cloves - IN BUTTER (thank you very much!) - and add to my soup which I'm hoping will get me through this day. . . . this whiney, horrible, torturous, I-can't-do-this-one-second-longer-give-me-another-glass-of-wine-oh-please-don't-make-me-do-this-I-can't-stand-it-I-don't-really-mind-going-back-to-work-as-a-waitress-maybe-I-could-do-something-ANYthing-else sort of day. . . . sigh. . . .

Yes. that's better.

garlic. thank you. JUST the thing!