Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And as I predicted...

...people are much more interested in the Oscar nominations. Now, if I read one more article about how Dreamgirls got the shaft, I might lose it. I mean, when this movie first came out, the critics didn't give it the two thumbs up. They said it wasn't as good as Chicago, didn't have as much to offer, wasn't as good as it could have been, blah blah blah. Kudos were given to both Eddie Murphy and Jennifer Hudson (especially for the latter's performance of "And I am telling you I'm not going") but most critics agreed that the film was fun but not all that inspirational.

So why now are people so surprised, especially given the caliber of films this year, that it did not get nominated for best picture?

I guess people just got to get mad about something. Like Beyonce's Dad saying how she didn't get the Golden Globe (when Eddie and Jennifer did) because she was black. That was a good one.

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