Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Last time I checked, I still had another year to ignore politics.

So Hillary's in, as well as a bunch of others whose announcements were outshined by Hillary's "in to win" comments. And the insanity has commenced.

The first debate is going to be in February of this year in Nevada. MoveOn.org has already placed a negative ad about McCain on the airwaves. And if I get that bullshit email forward one more time about how Barack Obama is -- God forbid -- Muslim (where Muslim somehow, someway equals terrorists) and has ties to suspected terrorist groups, I may lose my shit completely.

It's only 2007. We only got the new Congress and Senate up and running. Can't we postpone the insanity a little longer? Please? At least in the hope that people won't be so sick of politics that they'll abstain from voting.

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