Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Army Wives

I got an email again asking my thoughts on Army Wives. I touched on my opinion in a previous post but I'll get into a little more detail.

I have no specific thoughts. I did not watch it though most of the ladies I know are getting into it. I hear it isn't so bad though a few have said they think it's too officer-wife-centric.

Frankly, I have enough Army wife drama in my normal life. I probably would watch the show and just stress out. And then wonder way too much about what's really happening in on-post housing. Like MySpace doesn't give me enough of a clue.

It's funny, I've never thought of my television watching as an escape, per se, but when I think about the shows I like to watch, there does seem to be a theme. A theme of the life I could have had if I had not married my husband. I watch a lot of medical shows -- not the sappy ones -- but Scrubs (which, I can tell you is most like my experience working in a hospital) and House. And it makes me wonder if I would be in medical school right now, or perhaps finished, if CPT Dick hadn't sauntered into my life.

But maybe the theme doesn't hold as well as I'd like -- I also like Weeds, Heroes and LOST. And I doubt very much I'd be dealing marijuana, cultivating a new super power (though, it would be cool!) or planning to ambush the Others. But you never know, I guess.

In any case, a show like Army Wives is just too much like my own life to be fair television game. The parts that resonate would be all too real and the parts they stretch for plot would just annoy the crap out of me.

So I'll continue to abstain and instead get my television fix from those dreamy doctors of my fantasies.

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