Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How much do you care about a candidate's personal life?

How much does a presidential candidate's personal life matter to you? Seriously.

I've had friends say that they couldn't in good faith vote for Hillary because she stuck by Bill. Others say that they would vote for her because she did and showed the importance of marriage. Most don't notice that several of the candidates are on second or third marriages, even when Mitt Romney likes to interject that he's only on his first whenever he gets the chance.

But then there's Rudy. Joan Walsh blogs about how much his marriage to Judith Guiliani might cost him politically. Like I said on a recent Hooah Wife and Friends post, I'm torn between Rudy and Hillary, of all people. And for whatever reason, it's the personal lives of these two that bring about the most consternation in voters.

But I guess I wonder what we really want as Americans in a President. Do we want the one who is best qualified for the job? Or the one who looks the best on paper? Which is it?


Lee Anne said...

It's frustrating that we have to dig through all the personal shit to get to their real platform or voting record. I remember my first election -- Clinton -- I was so fired up.

Now, I'm soooo frustrated with the whole process that I just find it depressing. I would lean towards McCain if I could be sure that he wouldn't act on being anti-choice. Hillary's allright... I just really need a candidate who's going to light a fire under my ass -- I don't care if s/he has been divorced, toked up every now and then, or made personal choices that the rest of us don't understand (because it's none of our business anyway).

It's sad that people only care about the bad that people do or the negative in others' lives instead of focusing on those qualities/actions that make them qualified for the job.

Lee Anne said...

Oh, and I forgot to add the recent murmurings over Hillary's cleavage.

kimba said...

I don't care about a candidate's personal life, unless they decide that their personal life/personal beliefs are something they should use to push an agenda. I am concerned with a candidate's qualifications and their dedication to the job, not their ability to be a good spouse.

The Bill/Hillary thing has always baffled me - if Bill was fooling around (and clearly he was), seems like that's Hillary and Bill's problem, not mine.

By the way, greetings! - and I love your blog.

Non-Essential Equipment said...

Thanks, Kimba! Yours is cool, too!

And lee anne, do I even want to ask about Hillary's cleavage? I can honestly say that I never really thought of her as having cleavage. All those power suits, I guess.

How much it matters throws me so much. Because on one hand, you could argue that the way a person lives their life is going to reflect on the way they do their job. There is some truth to that. I can't think of many scumbags I've known that didn't carry it over into the workplace.

But then, you gotta figure that anyone that will be able to effectively work politics has to be kind of a scumbag anyway.

I'm going to be really curious to see how the media plays this out over the next few months.

kimba said...

But then, you gotta figure that anyone that will be able to effectively work politics has to be kind of a scumbag anyway.

Now there's the real problem, imo.