Monday, July 30, 2007

Save the drama for yo' Mama.

As I said in past post, CPT Dick wrangled me into FRG leadership again. I am taking over from two co-leaders whose families are remaining with the company. Not the best of circumstances.

There had been some concern that one of the two ladies would take the transition badly. She loves, loves, loves being an FRG leader and it was unclear whether or not she would feel that she was being usurped out of her rightful place. And if so, what would her reaction be? Most believed that she would decide to take her phone tree and head home. But she and I chatted on the phone before I left our last duty station and she said would take a key role within the FRG. And so it seemed all was good.

Until I got here, that is.

Now, the woman will not return my phone calls or emails. Which, considering she is a POC for the phone tree is a little disheartening. She calls the other former co-leader and asks her to call me to tell me the mundane shit ever. Last night, she rang her at 11:00pm to ask her to call me to see whether or not I was going to bring cups to the next FRG meeting. Cups! When I see her in public, she snubs me.

And the best part? She announced to all of the key volunteers for the company that though I was leader in name, nothing would change. She would make sure that she was getting information from the battalion and disseminate it. I guess she figures that if she pretends I am not here, I will just go away.

Drama, drama, drama. What I would like to ask her is how she figures she will get information from the company commander -- you know, my husband -- when they deploy if I don't exist. But perhaps she's flexible enough to acknowledge my existence when information is going down the FRG chain.

So it's time for a little FRG smackdown. I gave it a couple weeks, gave her ample opportunity to make a little room for me but now things are going to get a little ugly.

Why couldn't she had staged the power coup after I was a little more settled? I swear, the absolute inconsideration of it all.


Green said...

Sad. That's all she's got to do with herself all day long?
That's why I usually don't get along with women.

Anonymous said...

I really feel for you on this one. A similar thing happened to me a few years ago. Our company commander was single but had a girlfriend. I made the mistake of volunteering to help with the FRG which given my husband’s rank at the time (it was a HQ company and my husband outranked the commander) I think he thought I was asking for the leadership position (which I was definitely not). His girlfriend thought she would be the FRG leader but the battalion commander did not think it was appropriate and so I was asked to head up the FRG. The girlfriend was very angry and I have never been so uncomfortable then when I met with her and the company commander for the first time. Not a good experience.

Anonymous said...

Better you than me. Dang glory seekers!

Marine Wife said...

Just another reason I resisted being a Key Volunteer until very very recently. Good luck, girlfriend.