Tuesday, July 03, 2007


We found a place! And with a kitchen! Who knew that being so high maintenance could actually work out in my getting not only a place to cook food but two indoor toilets and a carport. Ladies, there is a lesson here.

It's a little further from post than we had hoped but the place itself makes up for it. There's plenty of room for guests and a playroom for Munchkin. Plus, it's actually a single floor so I can keep half an eye on the kid while I am cooking/cleaning/working/running to answer the phone. Now I just need to figure out where all of my stuff is going to go. You know, in between running around to make sure that Transportation has us confirmed, we have our security deposit ready in cash and rescheduling our final out with our current landlord since this place is available now.

And you know how it's always the little things that make or break a place? I'm sure next week, as we're trying to figure out where to put stuff, I'll find plenty of those little break-y things. But now, there's also this little stone porch just to the side of the door that is just so quaint and beautiful. It overlooks a fish pond with carp included. I give it three days before Munchkin decides to jump in to catch one. Less than one before CPT Dick tries it and gives the boy the idea.


Lee Anne said...

Congrats! It sounds lovely!

Non-Essential Equipment said...

Thanks. I think it will be perfect for an almost-single Mom and her two-year-old terror. =)

Bette said...

Yay! That must be such a relief. And it looks charming!

mike said...

There's a house under that foliage?