Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Disaster area.

Make no bones about it, my house is currently a complete and total mess. But with CPT Dick returning from the field in less than a week, I just can't bring myself to clean it yet.

I mean, if I do clean it now, Munchkin will surely undo all of my efforts in the next 6 days. No question, really. It would just be silly to start. Sure, I could file away the mail. Or pack away all of those too-small clothes that I took out of Munchkin's closet. But then he wouldn't have that great pile of sweaters to jump on. It would be cruel to even think about doing it just yet. And, yeah, I'm sure it would be hygienic to get to those dishes. But we have plenty of clean plates in the cupboard. Where's the rush?

It just makes so much more sense to hang out tonight, maybe watch "Clueless" for the forty-sixth time and drink a few glasses of wine.

The clutter will keep. Right?


Butterfly Wife said...

Clutter keeps beautifully at my house. I'm sure it is the same for you too.

I just realized that some day your husband is going to become a major and thus a major dick. Hmmm. Interesting choice there. :D

Bette said...

As long as your tetanus shots are up to date and you don't lose Munchkin in the clutter, housekeeping is strictly optional. Certainly well below wine on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Besides, once all that field gear comes back, it'll be as if you never cleaned!

Marine Wife said...

oh, yeah, it'll keep... and if it's my house, it will go forth and multiply. I won't scare you with the mountain of filing that needs to get done. We're half-way thru a year long deployment. You do the math.

Lee Anne said...

I'm all about watching "Clueless" or "Heathers" or "Bridget Jones." With wine, of course. A happy spouse is better than a clean house -- it even rhymes!

I'm probably not helping...

Non-Essential Equipment said...

I finally got it done. But you are so right -- his battle rattle has totally wrecked the place again.